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Breakdowns of operating and production systems involve significant costs. One minute of downtime in automotive production can cost thousands of euros, let alone the cost of restarting.

Internet nodes entail even higher downtime costs, and in bank data centers millions can easily be exceeded. Careful system measurement and assessment, also including troubleshooting, therefore are of utmost importance in the value-added chain.

This also applies to preventive damage prevention. Interventions are advisable during the system planning stage, for example to optimally adapt the energy supply structure to the consumers to be connected. The same applies to energy savings:
If costs are reduced by just 18% per year, the added value is correspondingly high, depending on the size of the business.
Our experience in the industrial, catering and hotel chain sectors shows that there is even greater potential, so give us a call and we will be happy to assist you with your individual requirements.

Our offer is aimed exclusively at industrial and commercial customers (B2B) as well as public clients.