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Expert Knowledge of Power Quality and Power Quality Analysis

Your virtual expert offering online-training courses and instructions for power quality analyzers.

Learn more straight to trouble-shooting

We help you to identify and solve complex technical disturbances yourself following detailed instructions.

  1. Identify the disturbance symptom and perform the corresponding measurement as described.
  2. Interpret the result with the support of our extensive database.
  3. Get to the remedy!

Power quality in energy supply is complex, and solving problems in case of technical disturbances is always challenging.
powerqualityonline offers in-depth expert knowledge and replaces the expensive on-site analyses of experts with an extensive database of training courses and tutorials.

powerqualityonline provides you with expert knowledge on the following issues:

  • performing power quality analyses and interpreting the results
  • identifying sources of interference
  • trouble-shooting
  • EN 50160, measurements according to standard
  • EMC influences and associated disturbances
  • defective systems such as destroyed compensation systems
  • leakage currents in the PE system
  • operation of power quality analyzers, e.g. Fluke 435, 435 II and 1770-series
  • operation of oscilloscopes, e.g. Fluke Scopemeter 190 II

and much more on the subject of power quality and associated disturbances.

powerqualityonline provides a systematic approach to the issues mentioned above and makes them interactively usable for you, always aiming at finding a solution to your problem.

Reducing Downtimes und Saving Energy

Does downtime at your operating and production facilities cost you dearly?
powerqualityonline assists you with trouble-shooting thereby significantly reducing downtime costs. Our know-how has been tried and tested in the automotive industry, in data centers, in the hotel industry and many other sectors.
powerqualityonline also helps you to prevent damage and save energy.

Numerous B2B customers from all German-speaking countries rely on the long-standing experience of our experts and benefit from their knowledge. Join in!

What is
powerqualityonline ?

powerqualityonline solves measurement problems and explains the key issues:

  • How to use a power quality analyzer efficiently, e.g. Fluke 435 II or 1770
  • What to make of the measurement results
  • Possible remedies

Please give us a call and we will be happy to answer your questions.

Please call us: +49 561 28610483

Our offer is aimed exclusively at industrial and
commercial customers (B2B) and public sector clients.

Expert Knowledge for Power Quality Analysis -
Available Anytime


available 24/7

no more waiting,
help whenever needed!


in the lab, at your desk or directly on site via smartphone


You will be systematically guided to solve the problem.


Literature can become obsolete, the expert system is always updated.

Please choose from the following:

3 simple steps only to help you with trouble-shooting in many areas
relating to power quality/energy supply:

Measurement Trainer

Measurement trainer
power quality

This package contains tutorials for power quality analyzers type
Fluke 435, 435 II and 1770-series.
Measurement trainer
ScopeMeter 190 II

This package contains tutorials for
ScopeMeter 190 II.
Measurement trainer -complete package
This package includes the
measurement trainers for power quality
analyzers, ScopeMeter
and DIN VDE test devices

Expert System

power quality expert
on the Internet: Support in the interpretation of measurement data from symptom to solution.

Premium Package

Access to the complete measurement trainer and the expert system
- measurement trainer power quality
- measurement trainer ScopeMeter 190 II
- expert system
Demo Access
See for yourself and try out the measurement trainer and the expert system by accessing selected examples.